Dear friend,
Mercy UK’s biggest announcement since we opened our Residential Home in 2006!
As Christmas fast approaches, I find myself reflecting on Mercy UK’s journey so far, and looking with eagerness and faith to what lies ahead in 2023. We are so grateful for your ongoing partnership and have enclosed this booklet sharing our story to date – which you have been a vital part of – and the vision for the future of Mercy UK.
Your partnership has helped over 300 women come through our Mercy home, and whilst we remain committed to providing a residential service, for years we have heard:
“Will you open a home for men?”
“Your programme sounds life-changing, but I’m over 35 years old”
“I’d love to come to Mercy, but I can’t leave my children for 6 months”
We are more aware than ever of the critical state of people’s mental health and well-being and we know that Mercy has an important part to play in responding to this crisis. And so it’s time to take off the restrictions, time to say no to less people and provide a service built on the same principles we have in the home, but without the gender, age, or geographical restrictions. So, without further ado, allow me to introduce you to (drum roll please)…
A 16-week, fully staffed, remote support service for women and men, with 10-hours of therapeutic engagement every week including:
• Weekly sessions with a registered counsellor
• 1:1 coaching & mentoring
• Access to fitness, nutritional and/or occupational therapy
• Lifetime access to aftercare
All provided online, all provided completely free-of-charge. No maximum age restrictions, no gender restrictions, no geographical restrictions, no cost restrictions.
We are so expectant for what God will do through this and we know the impact of what He has done already. Your incredible regular support makes it possible to take multiple women – like Jess and Laura – through the home programme every year, so we know you understand the heart and importance of helping more people live free and stay free in Jesus:
“My life is 13 years’ worth of evidence that what Mercy does works. 13 years of life I wouldn’t have had otherwise.” – Laura
“Applying to Mercy quite possibly saved my life. I learnt to fight. It’s a miracle that I am still here. And now my daughter is walking in that legacy.” – Jess
(You can watch these amazing testimonies on our Christmas Appeal page, as they are proof that the model we use at Mercy changes lives. And that same power of transformation runs through the Freedom Course!)
This, I must be honest with you, is a faith project (as Mercy UK has always been). We are trusting Him to make this happen by providing the funding we need to be able to take person after person through the Freedom Course. We are full steam ahead, with a pilot of five participants well under way, interviews for new staff taking place and the curriculum being finalised. However, we are reliant on the goodness of God and the generosity of our friends to fund this new service.
So, would you consider giving a special Christmas gift towards making it possible for the Freedom Course to launch in 2023?
To donate to this project, please visit our Christmas Campaign page here. Thank you so much to everyone who has already given to this appeal.
We are truly thankful for you and it is our joy to share this news, and go on this journey of faith with you.
We pray you have a wonderful Christmas!
Arianna Walker, CEO