Faith & The Voice (of God) in My Head (or not)

Helping you navigate the tension between faith & mental health by looking at a tension point, a talking point and a truth to ponder.

Tension Point

"I'm not sure I have ever heard the voice of God in the way others seem to. I cry out in prayer and wait… but He feels so silent"

Talking Point

Have you ever cried out in prayer and waited, desperately, for that ‘voice of God’ that other Christians seem to talk about? We strain our ears hoping to hear words that will bring us peace, reassurance, direction, comfort, answers… And when we are met with silence, we can feel let down, abandoned and disillusioned.

But, does ‘hearing’ actually mean ‘hearing’?

Think about it, when you recall a number such as a phone number, how do you do it? Do you ‘hear’ the number in your head or the corresponding sound of the beeps? Or, instead, do you see the numbers, recall how you wrote them down, or remember the pattern your fingers make as you enter them?

We all receive, recall and process information differently…

Which means we learn and understand according to these different styles. The danger and resulting tension of only talking about ‘hearing’ God can be that we limit the way we might connect with Him. It’s the equivalent of only ever communicating by talking - imagine no written word; no sign language; no poetry; no art; no music; no dance.

Recognising how God might connect with us through our natural senses, is a good start in sharpening our sensitivity to Him and strengthening our confidence in receiving from Him. We can all grow in the gift of seeing, hearing and feeling God’s presence through practice, in the same way that spending time with someone makes it easier to recognise them in ways that are unique to your relationship with them.

Truth to Ponder 

The Truth is that God is everywhere, communicating to us through our senses, through His Word, through creation. These are the ways in which we may receive from God through our senses:

We May See Him
We may recognise Him speaking to us through our imagination, through visions and dreams or through supernatural encounters with Him, as if with our natural eyes. The Word of God documents many times where God engages with us this way.
(Acts 2:17)

We May Hear Him
We may recognise Him speaking to us through a song, through sound or through a spirit to spirit conversation with Him, or we may even hear the audible sound of His Voice. 
(John 10:27)

We may FEEL Him
We may sense a shift in the atmosphere, or even in our own body, as a feeling of peace or warmth. We may also feel Him through a strong sense of conviction or a sense of ‘knowing’ which again, brings peace and directs our steps.
(Thessalonians 3:5)

The Big Christian Mental Health Campaign

We want to do our part to help break the taboo, remove the stigma, and normalise Christ-centered mental health and wellbeing support.